Sentience Psychological Services offers psychological therapy services for clients throughout their lifespan. Mental and emotional well-being are fundamental components of your health. Just as seeking professional attention for medical concerns supports physical health, exploring therapy to address mental or emotional challenges is a proactive means of nurturing a healthy mind. Sentience Psychological Services offers psychological counseling to individuals and families, utilizing a variety of approaches and methodologies.
What is Psychological Therapy?
There are many synonymous terms that are used in the mental health field, such as psychological therapy, psychotherapy, and psychological counseling. All of these terms refer to talk therapy that aims to reduce symptoms of mental illness, resolve emotional difficulties, and improve emotional well-being.
Psychological therapy is a process, one that can take quite a bit of time. Therapy is not a quick solution. Unfortunately, quick solutions only provide a bandage to cover the problem; they don’t promote healing. And, contrary to what many people think, psychological therapy is not designed for the therapist to offer advice. Rather, psychological therapy provides a safe space to explore and understand your past experiences, thoughts, emotions, and behavior. By analyzing and exploring your tendencies, patterns, and belief systems, it gives you the opportunity to see things that were once invisible to you. Once things become visible, they become tangible and workable, which allows for healing and growth.

What Does Psychological Therapy Look Like?
The initial steps are likely quite familiar to you because it resembles most medical appointments that you have had. Prior to the appointment, you will receive paperwork that needs to be completed. After that, you’ll arrive to your designated appointment where you will meet your therapist. Your first session is an “intake,” which is the therapist’s opportunity to ask you questions about your history and present circumstances that could be a contributor to the reasons that brought you to therapy in the first place. The therapist will comprehensively document the information that is gathered, to integrate it into a meaningful treatment plan.
Subsequent sessions will take place on a weekly basis. Sessions will involve a back and forth dialogue that focuses both on your past and present. Our therapists are not passive observers during this process. They are active agents of change that will create a safe space for exploration. This process will continue for however long you need it, whether it be short-term (such as a few months) to long-term (several years) treatment.
Who Would Benefit From Psychological Therapy?
If you have a pulse, you would benefit from therapy. Although that may be a bit “tongue in cheek,” it is an accurate statement. Psychological counseling is fitting for people that struggle with mental illness and for those that are experiencing passing emotional struggles.
Who are the Therapists?
There are so many therapists to choose among when seeking services. As a consumer, it can be very overwhelming and confusing. Something to keep in mind when making that decision are our core values at Sentience Psychological Services, which has led to a very specific selection process for our therapists. Our therapists are fundamentally kind, generous, and compassionate people. They are professionals who have used their intellectual curiosity to motivate them to stay abreast with the current literature and consult with other professionals so as to ensure quality services. In addition, they go to great lengths to provide ethical services for our clients and we do so in a safe and comforting environment.
Our therapists include a variety of professionals including counselors, social workers, psychologists, and doctoral candidates. Some of the therapists are independently licensed, while others practice under the supervision of an independently licensed therapist. Those who are not independently licensed meet with a licensed mental health professional for a minimum of 2 hours a week so as to ensure the quality of their service.
To learn more about our process or to schedule an appointment, reach out to us today!